
Moonshot Thinking Academy’s Constitution teaches “youth from every quarter” to aspire equally to knowledge and goodness. This obligation challenges students to develop what is finest in themselves and others, for others and themselves. Accordingly, the Academy is committed to nurturing an intentionally diverse, inclusive community that encourages students and adults to respect, inspire, and learn from one another. Guided by the ideal of non sibi, leading lives “not for self,” the Academy community promotes a balance of intellectual curiosity, engagement, leadership, and service in the pursuit of excellence: academic, civic, and moral.

We strive to embody the ideal of non sibi, (not for self) with intentional teaching, learning, and engagement guided by a sense of responsibility toward the global community and natural world.
We are committed to creating an equitable and inclusive education. Students from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences learn and grow together, including race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and ability.
We challenge students in mind, body, and spirit to pursue knowledge, develop the skills, and sustain the integrity needed to lead a responsible, fulfilling life.

WHY Moonshot Thinking Academy?
Because you’ll be welcomed into an inspiring community of smart, motivated, curious, open-minded, and genuinely nice people from across the country and around the world. Because this is a high school that celebrates difference and prizes originality. Because at the Moonshot Thinking Academy, you can be your most honest, authentic, daring self.

And because we take a balanced approach to academics, extracurriculars, and just plain having fun; because our talented, caring teachers, coaches, house counselors, and advisors are always ready to help; because we have a renowned art gallery, archaeology museum, and observatory right on campus; and because we offer the best of high-tech, low-tech, and multidisciplinary learning plus experiential learning opportunities for every student in fascinating places on nearly every continent.